Investing in Cancer Research Pays Off
It is difficult to escape the reality that we live in challenging times.
The nonstop deluge of disturbing news can leave us feeling uncertain or worried about the future, but I am here with an important message: Whether you are a cancer survivor, patient, researcher, caregiver, or anyone who is affected by cancer, an investment in cancer research will pay off in lives saved. To achieve our goals, however, we must stay the course and stay together.
Despite the challenges of the past few years, we at the AACR passionately believe we’re on the cusp of a brighter era in cancer care and research. Today, we have more reasons than ever to be hopeful. Overall, cancer incidence and death rates are declining steadily, and the number of children and adults who are surviving longer after a cancer diagnosis has been increasing.
We also have exciting plans for the future at the AACR. Over the next several years, more efforts will be dedicated to educational programs and to today’s exciting research areas: tumor evolution, early detection and cancer interception, precision medicine, immunotherapy, and cancer disparities, among others, that will lead to markedly reduced cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality. Charitable donations to the AACR advance research-driven progress against cancer through the organization’s many programs and initiatives: convening vital scientific conferences and workshops, publishing 10 high-impact journals, and distributing travel awards, research fellowships, and grants for innovative projects.
Whether you are a cancer survivor, patient, researcher, caregiver, or anyone who is affected by cancer, an investment in cancer research will pay off in lives saved. To achieve our goals, however, we must stay the course and stay together.
Your continued belief in and support of the AACR’s mission makes our ongoing work possible and filters more funding toward cancer researchers working tirelessly to find cures. Your kindness helps us meet the growing demand for cancer research grants and scholarships. This alone is a reason for optimism.
Thank you for helping the AACR work toward achieving its mission. I hope you will feel inspired reading about the amazing stories of AACR scientists, researchers, and survivors in this issue of Leading Discoveries, and that these stories of survival and optimism encourage you. Good things are happening.
Keep your head high and stay the course. Cancer Research Saves Lives!
Mitch Stoller
AACR Foundation Chief Philanthropic Officer and Vice President of Development